Cookie Statement

Last modified: 6/29/2021

This website uses tracking technologies to ensure it is functioning properly and to help us improve your online interactions with us and the services and products we provide. This policy also provides information about the different types of cookies we use and how you may control their use. 

Cookies (including browser cookies, HTTP cookies, local shared objects (Flash cookies), local storage (such as HTML5), web beacons (pixel tags), embedded scripts, ETags, and similar tracking technologies) are small files stored on your browser or device that enable the cookie owner to recognize the device when it visits websites or uses online services. 

First party cookies are those that we set and are necessary to assist us in ensuring the site is functioning properly.   We may also use third party cookies for our advertising and marketing purposes; these cookies originate from third party sites which are different than the domain you are currently visiting. 

Session cookies are those which generally end after you close your browser or as you have otherwise chosen in your browser settings. Persistent cookies are those that are remembered across visits to our site and expire after a period of time. 

While we may automatically use some cookies that are strictly necessary to provide the services you request or enable communications, we request your consent for all of our other cookie uses.  

Your web browser may allow you to directly block all cookies, or just third-party cookies, through your browser settings. Using your browser settings to block all cookies, including strictly necessary ones, may interfere with proper site operation or significantly impact your experience with our site. We also provide a tool intended to allow you to receive the full benefit of the technologies used on our website.  If you close the banner tool made available to allow you to select the cookies used on this website as it relates to you or restrict cookies through your browser, our default settings will apply, which may vary based on the location from which you are accessing this site.

Cookies We May Use

When you visit, use, or otherwise interact with our website, we may store information about you and/or your visit to our site.  The technologies we use may change over time, however, the below provides a general description of the cookies we utilize on this site. 

Strictly necessary cookies are those necessary for this website to function and include those used to operate or provide necessary functions relating to the services you request, those used to remember actions you have taken on this website (such as instances when you may have entered text and return to that page in the same session), and those utilized to assist us in securing the website. Without these cookies, this website would not function properly and/or we may not be able to provide certain services.   These are persistent cookies.

Functional cookies are those that enable functions that improve your website experience. By recognizing you when you return to our website, they may, for example, allow us remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region, text size, and fonts). These cookies may also be used to prevent a service from being offered to you multiple times (such as survey participation or playing of videos).

Analytical/performance cookies are used to monitor and improve our website. These cookies allow us and our third-party service providers to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it in order to determine whether there are any improvements we could make to our website. These cookies do not generate any individualized profile and generate aggregated statistics of the use of this website. These are persistent cookies.

Advertising, tracking or targeting cookies are placed by us or our third party advertising partners to show you ads we may think are of interest to you. These cookies collect information about your browsing habits and online behavior.  They can be used across sites and across devices in order to provide you advertisements which may be relevant to you. We do not control the nature of these cookies nor their expiration dates.

Third-party cookies. Our website may contain helpful but non-essential features or plug-ins enabling third party services that use cookies, such as social network connectors, maps, advertising networks, or web traffic analysis services. These cookies may enable visitor identification across websites and over time. We do not control the third party's use of those cookies, their duration, or their ability to share information with other third parties. Please review each party's cookie disclosure before consenting to this use category.

Our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein, describes our practices for any personal data that our first-party cookies collect, store, or use, including our legal basis for processing personal data, if applicable. The cookie table below details the third-party cookies used on this website and their specific purposes. 

Changes to Our Cookie Uses

We will post any changes to the way we use cookies on this page.  If the changes materially alter how we use cookies, we will post a notice on our website and request your consent for the materially different use. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our cookie use notice.

Cookies We Use (Third Party)

The below table details the cookies in use on this website. We will update this table as our website changes and evolves, so please check back frequently to review any new cookie uses. 

This table was last updated: 6/29/2021