We’re curious,

it’s in our blood.

We’re pioneers,

on a mission

since 1989

to do better.


With a responsibility to the planet we share, at FibreCycle, we look to the future with optimism.


We believe that making the right choices today will have a positive impact on the future, whilst knowing that the right choice is not necessarily the easy one.

We are proud of our regional roots. Unaffected by what’s on trend, we thrive in the challenge of finding a better way. Creating simple, impactful answers to complex problems.

At FibreCycle, we are The Curious Pioneers. We have always been inspired by nature’s process to regenerate, recover, repurpose and renew, allowing us all to live closer to the ones we love. For we know our pets make us better people.

We’ve been doing better since we began. Not because it’s the cool thing, but because it’s the right thing. We are enemies of fake “green products” that don’t perform. We unite against those who care more about performance than the harm they cause. So we will win with purpose. We will do what’s right, because it’s the right thing to do. We strive to do no harm. We want to always do better. For People. For Pet. For Planet.

We believe in a world where all products do no harm to us, our pets or the planet we share

‘‘We’re curious, it’s in our blood. We’re pioneers, on a mission since 1989 to do better.’’


Our Vision

A world where all products do no harm.

To us, our pets or the planet we share.

Our Purpose

To do better.

We believe pets make us better people, that’s why we only make products that are kind to them and the planet.

Our Brands


Breeder Celect

Over the years Breeder Celect has been providing homes with 99% recycled paper cat litter, that is free from nasties like chemicals and additives, which is often bad for your cat and is made from strip mining.

Made in the UK, Breeder Celect is highly absorbent with natural odour control, ensuring your house smells clean and fresh and because it's made from paper, water and air, it’s soft and safe for all paws.

Breeder Celect Cat Litter can be composted once the waste is removed, but we recommend you check with your local council.

Perfect for the little and big paws, look for Ginger on the pack.

Celect Better. Celect Ginger.

✓ Natural odour control

✓ Highly absorbent

✓ 99% recycled paper

✓ Soft on little paws

✓ Made in the UK



back-2-nature has been providing comfy and safe little homes for our smallest of pets through their Small Animal Bedding & Litter. Made from 99% recycled paper, back-2-nature’s flatter and ridged pellets allow for moisture to be absorbed rather than sitting on top of regular bedding, leaving the most delicate of feet dryer and less prone to irritations from standing in wet materials. With a flatter surface area, back-2-nature offers a safer experience for little paws and ankle joints as the pellets don’t roll around when hopped or scurried across.

Sterile at point of manufacture Back-2-Nature is low in dust reducing the irritations that occur from hay and pine shavings.

back-2-nature Small Animal Bedding and Litter can be composted once the waste is removed, but we recommend you check with your local council.

Suitable for rabbits, rodents, ferrets, birds and reptiles.

✓ Natural odour control

✓  Soft on little paws

✓  99% recycled paper

✓  Contains no nasties

✓  Made in the UK 

✓  Low dust


Available in 10L, 20L and 30L packs

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Contact Details

FibreCycle Ptd Ltd

12 Millennium Circuit

Helensvale, Qld, 4212


W: www.fibrecycle.co


Local Representative

Richard Firth

F: +44 737 564 1043

E: Richard.firth@kentww.com

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We strive to ensure the information we present is accurate. However, certain statements on this site may not be applicable in your geographic region. Product labeling and associated claims vary upon local requirements

FibreCycle™, Breeders Choice, Breeder Celect, Back-2-Nature are registered trade marks of FibreCycle Pty Ltd